Friday, March 4, 2011

Happy National Athletic Training Month!

March is National Athletic Training Month!

Athletic Training is much more than my major; it is my passion! I originally became interested in AT in high school after learning how beneficial and necessary accessible health care is to athletes. Although I bobbled and considered different paths through my first few years of college, I know without a shadow of a doubt that there is no other major on campus where I could be so happy and feel so fulfilled every day.

"Athletic training is practiced by athletic trainers, health care professionals who collaborate with physicians to optimize activity and participation of patients and clients. Athletic training encompasses the prevention, diagnosis, and intervention of emergency, acute, and chronic medical conditions involving impairment, functional limitations, and disabilities." (National Athletic Training Assoc. Website)

I spend every day with a class of 21 people all working toward next spring when we will take the Board of Certification (BOC) Exam to become Certified Athletic Trainers (ATCs). Becoming an ATC requires a 4 year degree from a school with an accredited program and successful completion of the BOC exam. We take classes in the morning to learn detailed anatomy & physiology, injuries, treatments, rehabilitation and emergency care. Then in the afternoon we all spread out across campus & local high schools and clinics to work with student athletes under the supervision of certified athletic trainers. We provide care for acute, chronic and emergency injuries. We work to help athletes return to normal health status and full activity as safely and quickly as possible. & I love it!!

My life's passion is to work for high school athletes. High school athletes hold a very special place in my heart. The blood, sweat, tears & smiles that teenagers pour into their sport is inspiring. Playing for no reason other than a love of the game is inspiring. I believe being able to play is something that should be protected! And that's exactly what I want to spend my life doing--working to ensure that these athletes receive the care they need to keep them in their sport! I would like to see a shift toward high school athletic trainers as full-time staff members becoming the rule, not the exception.

Trying to fit all the things I love about Athletic Training in one post is impossible. Trying to put all the reasons I want to make ATCs more accessible to high school athletes into an organized list is a little overwhelming. BUT! Maybe, just maybe now you have a better understanding of who we are. So, the next time you tweak something in your yoga class or your pick up game with friends--ask an athletic trainer to take a look at it!

If you know someone who is interested in learning more about Athletic Training, my program is hosting an informational Student Conference for high school and college students considering AT. This will be held Saturday, April 30, 2011 from 8am-12pm. For more information or any questions about AT, just have them contact me at!

Happy National Athletic Training Month!

**special thanks should be given to the girls I cheered with in high school, the boys we cheered for & the boys & girls I managed--you are the reason I know where I'm going. You are the reason I love waking up to what I'm doing every day. Thank you for the countless tryouts, camps, practices & games that remind me that this is worth spending a lifetime on.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

beyond the big picture

I've been interested in blogging for a while, but I knowing I would never be able to decide on a single topic for my blog kept me from starting one. Recently I started following blogs of friends that are more like family to me & I realized that if I were going to write a blog that it would have to be all over the place to be representative of me. The last time I tried blogging of any sort was Xanga--ninth grade, anyone? So, here goes nothing.

If there is anything I love about people, places, and life in general it's the little things. Without the little things there would be no big picture. My vision for this blog is to share the little things that make my day & hopefully inspire you to notice the little things that make your life special and add some things to that list. After all, who doesn't need to be reminded to appreciate how it feels when you step out in shorts and let the sun warm your cheeks for the first time after a seemingly endless winter? And who doesn't enjoy sharing ideas on life, leisure, love & cooking? (Apparently, there is no synonym for cooking that begins with the letter L--I checked.)

**disclaimer: my brain works more like a pinball machine than wheel. so be prepared for random tangents and trivial thoughts.

Ya'll come back now, ya hear!