Sunday, July 24, 2011

breath in....& out.

I'm currently on day two of soccer camp #2 & so far, so good! I'm tired, but the girls are having a blast & I'm learning a lot about being on my own as a healthcare provider!

This upcoming week is my last week of summer as an undergraduate. Football camp starts next Monday & then classes start two weeks after that. I am two semesters away from being a college graduate. This may very well be my last entire summer at home, which makes me excited and sad. I'm so excited about my future & becoming a Certified Athletic Trainer & going to graduate school & finding a job, but at the same time, I know I'll be sad to leave home for a place where I won't know anyone. So, for right now, I'm taking it one day at a time & remembering to enjoy every second of the next year at UGA, in Athens & at home with my family. Just breathing in....& out & not thinking about all the questions and decisions that this next year of school will bring and answer.

On a lighter note, only one week until I launch my new link up: SUNDAY SEEKER! Now, I just have to figure out how to spread the word! I'm working on finishing the badge for it between soccer sessions! I'm so excited to start this & hear what it is you're aiming for each week! In fact, I'm so excited I'm going to go ahead and do a sample Sunday Seeker in this post! (love some alliteration!)
The badge is not quite finished, but it's a start!

*After soccer camp ends Tuesday, I hope to spend the rest of the week hanging out with family & friends before football camp starts August 1st.
*I want to get my blog link up all set for it's launch!
*I want to make some crafty things with my best friends! (so many ideas from Pinterest!)
*I want to find a reason to wear my super cute new romper that I got at Community downtown!
*I want to bake to my heart's content. I haven't cooked in so long & I'm dying to spend a few hours in the kitchen fixing something for someone!
*I want to get back into my workout routine--I've been slacking lately--unacceptable.
*I want a tattoo!! (of my favorite verse. on my right scapula.)
*I want to lay in the sunshine & feel that sweet, sticky warmness all over my skin until it lulls me to sleep.
*I want to finish the book I've been reading all year & start a new one.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

let's get it started.

I typed that in and the google search function in my brain immediately pulled up Black Eyed Peas and Pink lyrics that took me back as far as 4-H camp in middle school. Whoa.

Back to the present. :)

I love the weekly blog link ups I follow and join in on!

I've been sharing my highs with 'What I'm loving Wednesday' from This Kind of Love!

As soon as I figure out how I intend to join the 'Oh, How Pinteresting' circle hosted by The Vintage Apple as well! Pinterest addicts unite! :)

To share the bits & pieces of my life that don't fit into a singular theme I think I might get in on 'Miscellany Monday' from lowercase letters too!

Following and being a part of these link ups has me thinking...
1. A weekly link up is a great way to get things out to all your friends & fellow bloggers--be it DIY inspiration, outfit ideas and fashion tips, or general reminders of the blessings around us!
2. A weekly link up is a great excuse to blog! & you don't even have to think up your own theme--it makes it easy to avoid writer's block!
3. I want to start my own weekly link up--being an Athletic Training student I have clinical 6 days a week & with football this fall it will be 7. So, weekdays are out for me & since Saturdays are game days (!!!), that leaves Sunday as the day I'll have the time to just breathe, bake & blog.

So! Starting Sunday, July 31st  I'm going to launch my own link up: Sunday Seeker! I'm working on getting my badge put together as we speak!

Sunday Seeker will be your chance to share what you want, what you're looking for, what you're seeking from your life! I want to know:

*your goal for the week--academic, physical, spiritual, etc!
*what you're lusting after this week--not a who! a what!--those sexy new sandals, that book you've been meaning to finish, that recipe you're dying to try, the Number One on your DIY To Do List, anything!
*what you want more of right this second--sunshine, time, motivation, rest?
*what you want less of for now or for good--bad hair days, crazy professors, clutter, laundry?

I figure Sunday is the perfect day to share what you want from the upcoming week! Plus, if you have to type it up to share, you have to nail down exactly how you're feeling about the things in your life & how to approach them! This can be as heavy or light-hearted as you want to go with it & the each week you can dish about whether you got what you wanted last week, realized it wasn't worth it or are still on the hunt!